9 things you may not know about F-35C stealth strike fighter For the first time in U.S. naval aviation history, radar-evading stealth capability comes to the carrier deck. With stealth technology, advanced sensors, supersonic speed, weapons capacity and superior range, the F-35 is most advanced fighter to ever operate aboard a Carrier deck. Lockheed Martin Corporation shared on its F-35.com website 9 facts about the Naval version of a stealth fighter.


  1. It brings stealth to the sea. The F-35C is the first and world’s only long-range stealth strike fighter designed and built explicitly for Navy carrier operations. It’s configuration, embedded sensors, internal fuel and weapons capacity, aligned edges, and state of the art manufacturing processes all contribute to the F-35’s unique Very Low Observable stealth performance. This enables pilots to evade enemy detection and operate in anti-access and contested environments, improving lethality and survivability....MORE
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