Strategic Elements Ltd autonomous security vehicle collaboration draws  strong attentionStrategic Elements (ASX: SOR) is expanding into the defence sector with its subsidiary Stealth Technologies’ autonomous vehicle and platform technologies. The Defence Science and Technology Group (DST) will conduct a feasibility and scoping study with Stealth, evaluating the technology for autonomous sensing and search of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) sources.


Research will involve integrating DST’s search algorithms into Stealth’s autonomous unmanned ground vehicle (UAG) and unmanned airborne vehicle (UAV) hardware and software platforms, and development of an initial software exemplar.

DST will pay the costs of the studies with final delivery expected by the end of the next month.

Part of the Australian Department of Defence, DST is focused on improving defence capability by protecting personnel from strategical, tactical and physiological impacts of exposure to toxic chemicals and materials and CBRN weapons....MORE

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