thermalimagingsensor.jpg Research funded by the U.S. Army has developed a new sensor that can detect microwave radiation with 100,000 times higher sensitivity than currently available commercial sensors, paving the way for novel communications and weaponry technology. The sensor—developed by scientists from Harvard University, The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Pohang University of Science and Technology, and Raytheon BBN Technologies—..

..could be used to improve thermal imaging dramatically as well as provide a basis for inventions in electronic warfare and radio communications, among others.

Specifically, researchers developed a microwave bolometer that is sensitive enough to detect a single microwave photon, the smallest amount of energy that exists in nature, said Joe Qiu, program manager for solid-state electronics and electromagnetics at the Army Research Office. The sensor exploits the significant thermal response of the versatile 2D material graphene to microwave radiation....MORE

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