As reported by Army Recognition on April 7, the U.S. Army has selected BAE Systems and Oshkosh to deliver two prototype vehicles for evaluation as a potential solution for the Cold Weather All-Terrain Vehicle (CATV) program. Whether operating in swamps or the frozen arctic, BAE Systems’ Beowulf is based on proven, existing solutions and capable of moving personnel and cargo under the most remote and harshest conditions.


Beowulf is an unarmored, tracked, and highly versatile vehicle for carrying personnel and payloads in either of its two compartments across the most challenging terrains. Beowulf’s articulated mobility system is key to its effectiveness, allowing for optimal maneuverability across varying surfaces. It also has a modular design and can be reconfigured for multiple missions, such as logistical support, disaster and humanitarian relief, search and rescue, and other missions as required....MORE

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